sábado, 23 de diciembre de 2017

Authentic material workshop

Lesson Plan

-Objective: The students will identify the main idea about 3 articles by reading them in
groups of four students by writing a summary of them.

-English level of the students: High level of proficiency

-Authentic material: Articles:

“Growing up, “politics” signified posh men in suits using convoluted language not
meant for the likes of me. It was a clash between members of the elite, a clan
I certainly wasn’t part of. My parents didn’t discuss political affairs often,
and when they did I tended to zone out the second a hint of jargon crept
into the conversation”


“With no kind of compulsory school learning in place, kids hit 18-years-old the victims
of a strange kind of neglect. You aren’t trusted to have formed an opinion at 16,
but two years later you’re expected to be self-taught. The historical significance
of The Vote goes without saying, but the understanding of how politics tangibly
affects people’s lives on the daily often goes overlooked”

Source: Niall Flynn


“Contrary to popular belief, we don’t really hate politicians or politics.
With the age of the Internet, we should be more informed than any generation that
has come before us. Everything is at our fingertips. There are videos, websites,
social media accounts, anything, you name it, that tells us all about the topics and
candidates. You can even get the address, email and phone numbers of your senators
and congressmen and women”

Source: Hanan Esaili


-Explanation: The teacher will present the subject explaining what happened during
the last elections that took place in Chile one week ago. Then he will tell the students
that most of young people don’t vote because they are not interested in politics.
So the teacher will ask the students “Why do you think that young people are
not interested in politics?” so that students will have the opportunity to share their ideas
about that situation.
After this activity, the teacher will ask the students to read the article, first he will
ask one student to read one article and so forth, but then he will also give them the
opportunity to read them as a group once they have the articles in their hands.

The students will read these articles and then, they will recognize the main ideas
of each one of them by writing 3 lines per each one. Later, they will read their summaries

At the end of the class, the teacher will conclude along with the students what are the
main facts that cause these attitude in young people towards politics.  

City Tour

Work Plan

Pre-Production stage:

-Topic: Giving directions

-Objective: The students will recognize in a written way vocabulary about giving directions and
adjectives to describe the city by watching the teacher´s video.

-Format: City Tour

-Scripts: The video will be recorded in the downtown area of Iquique. It will start from Latorre
Street and will end in the pier of the city, and the focus of the video will be how to
give directions and describing certain places. As it will be recorded, the teacher will describe
what he sees so that the viewers experiment the context in a better way.
The teacher will use specific vocabulary like: Turn right, turn left, go straight, keep walking,
cross the street, etc. As well as some nouns and adjectives like: Gull, ship, warship, mountains,
sea, pier, building, port, old, ancient, beautiful, peaceful, quite, important etc.
The teacher will end the video by inviting the students to do the same in a future activity
and to share their videos with the class.

domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

House Description

Do you want a new home without the wait? This family friendly, move-in ready home is offered by us. Across the street from the park, with shopping just blocks away, you have to come and see it. Don't miss this one! Open kitchen and a fabulous backyard. Ready for you and your family.This house is located in a very friendly neighborhood that you must not miss. Stop by our model home in West Prairie Village for details in Sun Prairie.

This is a detached house with two floors, with a very big garden and, apparently, its construction it’s made of wood and concrete. Also, it’s painted in sky-blue, but has a natural brown colour, which is made based in the concrete material, that seems like tile.
At the side of the house, there are a garage that has a white gate and it is opened electrically.
By the way, all its doors are white, except its main door that is the entry of the house, which is black. Also in its facade there are some plants, which gave to the the house a little more colour and life.

As same as the outside, the environment it is peaceful because of its light brown colour, which helps a lot to make us feel very comfortable. The place consists in spacious rooms. Each one of them have lively colours, so every member of the family can enjoy the house.

Now we are going to show you room by room. We hope that you like it!

Video: The black hole

              At the beginning of the video there was a man trying to photocopy something...sadly, the device didn't work but, the young man saw a sheet that came out of the device with a black spot on it. Accidently a vessel of water fell down into a black hole (not really a spot), penetrating the sheet. Well, finally he tryed to steal somethings like a sweet and also money through this hole becaouse he could transfix with his hand the black hole to inaccesible places. But, the problem started when he transfixed with all his body this hole. After that, the sheet with the black hole fell down, so the man stayed into the security box, in which there was a lot of money. 


This is one of the latest paragraphs that I did, but was the only in which I could narrate a video.

sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

The best time for me

       The best time for me is the morning because of its weather so, usually I go to the beach for walking a while and to take some pictures of something interesting. Most of the time I take pictures of landscapes, I mean, beaches, squares, ancients buildings or just something specific like plants, etc. The best thing that I sometimes do inthe morning is to do some excercises...to breathe that pure air, and also fresh air it is very healthful in all sense. Although in winter, I don't go to to do excercises to the beach but in my house because, obviously, is it cold.


This was my first paragraph. At this point, I didn't know how important is the topic sentence. Here I learned how to summarize my ideas. 

Using an incident.

           Last September was a exciting month. There was a part of my family that I didn't see since I came to Iquique, and I wanted to talk with them since a long time. Then, I took the opportunity of the days off this last September so, I went to Santiago, and finally I met with all of them, and we talked about everything we could.The best of all was that we went out all those days, we ate too much...and when I had to come back to Iquique, we were satisfied for all what we did. I loved those days, however, I also love Iquique so, I felt happy when I came back to this city too.

Using examples

           September is a month of celebration. It's also called "month of the motherland" because, September 18th and 19th it is commemorated the Chilean independence, and Chilean people is, I would say, cheerful.
These two days of celebration, are an opportunity for resting from work and to have a good time in the fondas or ramadas. Here, people can eat typical Chilean food like, empanadas, choripanes, etc, and to drink a lot of chicha.
But, one of the main typical activities is the "parada militar", that take place in O'Higgins Park ,in which participate very important people like, the President and other government's authorities.