sábado, 23 de diciembre de 2017

Authentic material workshop

Lesson Plan

-Objective: The students will identify the main idea about 3 articles by reading them in
groups of four students by writing a summary of them.

-English level of the students: High level of proficiency

-Authentic material: Articles:

“Growing up, “politics” signified posh men in suits using convoluted language not
meant for the likes of me. It was a clash between members of the elite, a clan
I certainly wasn’t part of. My parents didn’t discuss political affairs often,
and when they did I tended to zone out the second a hint of jargon crept
into the conversation”


“With no kind of compulsory school learning in place, kids hit 18-years-old the victims
of a strange kind of neglect. You aren’t trusted to have formed an opinion at 16,
but two years later you’re expected to be self-taught. The historical significance
of The Vote goes without saying, but the understanding of how politics tangibly
affects people’s lives on the daily often goes overlooked”

Source: Niall Flynn


“Contrary to popular belief, we don’t really hate politicians or politics.
With the age of the Internet, we should be more informed than any generation that
has come before us. Everything is at our fingertips. There are videos, websites,
social media accounts, anything, you name it, that tells us all about the topics and
candidates. You can even get the address, email and phone numbers of your senators
and congressmen and women”

Source: Hanan Esaili


-Explanation: The teacher will present the subject explaining what happened during
the last elections that took place in Chile one week ago. Then he will tell the students
that most of young people don’t vote because they are not interested in politics.
So the teacher will ask the students “Why do you think that young people are
not interested in politics?” so that students will have the opportunity to share their ideas
about that situation.
After this activity, the teacher will ask the students to read the article, first he will
ask one student to read one article and so forth, but then he will also give them the
opportunity to read them as a group once they have the articles in their hands.

The students will read these articles and then, they will recognize the main ideas
of each one of them by writing 3 lines per each one. Later, they will read their summaries

At the end of the class, the teacher will conclude along with the students what are the
main facts that cause these attitude in young people towards politics.  

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