domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Video: The black hole

              At the beginning of the video there was a man trying to photocopy something...sadly, the device didn't work but, the young man saw a sheet that came out of the device with a black spot on it. Accidently a vessel of water fell down into a black hole (not really a spot), penetrating the sheet. Well, finally he tryed to steal somethings like a sweet and also money through this hole becaouse he could transfix with his hand the black hole to inaccesible places. But, the problem started when he transfixed with all his body this hole. After that, the sheet with the black hole fell down, so the man stayed into the security box, in which there was a lot of money. 


This is one of the latest paragraphs that I did, but was the only in which I could narrate a video.

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